Some substances, when dissolved in h2o, undergo either a physical or a chemical change that results in constituent cations and anions in the solution. This process of dissociation of a substance into its ions is known equally ionization and the substances that undergo ionization are called electrolytes. Substances that do non ionize when dissolved in water are chosen nonelectrolytes.

Depending upon the extent or degree of ionization, the electrolytes are divided into two types:

Strong electrolytes are the chemical substances that ionize completely when dissolved in water, whereas weak electrolytes only ionize partially. This means that the principal species in solution for strong electrolytes are ions, while the chief species in solution for weak electrolytes is the un-ionized compound itself.

Types of electrolytes - Strong vs Weak Electrolyte in image form

Strong vs. Weak Electrolytes

Stiff electrolyte Weak electrolyte
Strong electrolytes ionize completely when dissolved in h2o Weak electrolytes ionize partially in h2o
At that place is 100% ionization, so the chief species are the ions of the electrolytes in the solution The ionization is less, roughly i-10%. The principal species in solution for weak electrolytes is the unionized electrolyte itself
Solutions containing a strong electrolyte will have high electrical conductivity Solutions containing a weak electrolyte will take low conductivity
Ostwald's dilution police is not applicable Ostwald'due south dilution law is applicable
Stiff acids, stiff bases, and salts (except some) are strong electrolytes Weak acids and weak bases are weak electrolytes
HCl, NaCl, NaOH are some examples of strong electrolytes

HF and NH3 are some examples of weak electrolytes

Weak Electrolytes and their Examples

The substances which ionize up to a modest extent into ions are chosen weak electrolytes. The molecules of a weak electrolyte are in equilibrium with its ions in a solution. Therefore, the equation which involves the ionization of weak electrolytes is represented with double-headed arrows, meaning, the reaction is reversible, such as,

NH3 + HtwoO ⇌ NH4 + + OH

CH3COOH + H2O ⇌ HiiiO+ + CH3COO

Examples of weak electrolytes include acetic acid (CH3COOH), carbonic acid (H2CO3), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and pyridine (C2HfiveN), etc.

Potent Electrolytes and their Examples

The substances which ionize completely into ions are known as stiff electrolytes. Here the unionized molecules (electrolytes) are nowadays in such a small amount that they can be neglected. Too, they are not of whatsoever significance to study the ionization abiding of strong electrolytes. Unlike the weak electrolytes, the equation for the ionization of strong electrolytes is non represented with double-headed arrows, such as,

HCl + H2O → H3O+ + Cl

HNOiii + H2O → H3O+ + NO3

Examples of strong electrolytes are HCl, NaOH, NaCl, H2And then4, KBr, etc. A list of further examples is provided in the lower department of this article.

Related topics

  • Oxidation vs. Reduction
  • Randles-Sevcik equation
  • Rules for assigning oxidation numbers

How to Categorize the Electrolytes

Substances may be categorized as strong, weak, or nonelectrolytes past studying their electrical conductance in an aqueous solution. The solution will carry electricity if information technology contains costless and charged ions. The nonelectrolytes are out of the discussion here every bit their aqueous solution would non carry current due to the lack of charged species.

Information technology is important to note that the conductivity of an electrolyte solution is related to the forcefulness of the electrolyte. This means that the greater the ionic concentration of the solution there is, the greater will be the conduction. So, upon applying a voltage to electrodes immersed in a solution, i shall find out the ionic concentration quantitatively; by measuring the electric current, or past observing the brightness of a light bulb included in the circuit (such low-cal is used in spectroscopic techniques to quantify data).

Types of electrolytes - Strong vs Weak vs non Electrolyte

The quantitative applications of electrolysis imply colorimeters connected by salt bridges. Such applications lead to galvanic cells, electrochemical cells, standard electrode systems, Nelson jail cell, Downward cell, etc.

Key Takeaways

Types of electrolytes - Strong vs Weak Electrolyte in image form

Concepts Berg

Requite a list of strong electrolytes.

Potent acids are stiff electrolytes:

  • Hydrochloric acid, HCl
  • Hydroiodic acid, Hi
  • Hydrobromic acid, HBr
  • Nitric acid, HNO3
  • Sulfuric acrid, HtwoAnd thenfour
  • Chloric acid, HClO3
  • Perchloric acrid, HClO4
  • Lithium hydroxide, LiOH

Strong bases are strong electrolytes:

  • Sodium hydroxide, NaOH
  • Potassium hydroxide, KOH
  • Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2
  • Barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2

Examples of some salts as strong electrolytes:

  • Sodium chloride, NaCl
  • Magnesium sulfate, MgSO4
  • Ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3
  • Calcium chloride, CaCltwo
  • Potassium bromide (KBr)
  • Ammonium nitrate (NHivNO3)
  • Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), etc

How to know if a chemic is an electrolyte?

Electrolytes dissociate into ions when added to h2o. If a chemic is an electrolyte it must dissociate whether weak or strong.

Is CHthreeCOOH a weak or strong electrolyte?

Acetic acid, CH3COOH is a weak electrolyte because it is a weak acid.

How can you tell if an electrolyte is strong or weak?

Depending on the extent of ionization in water, the electrolyte can be regarded as strong or weak. The more ionization, the stronger the electrolyte.

Is NH3 a weak or stiff electrolyte?

Ammonia, NH3 is a weak electrolyte because it is a weak base.

Is HCl a strong or weak electrolyte?

HCl is a strong electrolyte every bit information technology is a strong acrid.

Why tin't pure h2o be used as an electrolyte?

Water cannot be used as an electrolyte because pure h2o is not an electrolyte. The mutual concept of h2o being an electrolyte is due to the impurities nowadays, that make it ionize itself, leading to electrolysis and existence an electrolyte.

Is NaOH a strong or weak electrolyte?

Sodium hydroxide, NaOH is a potent base, so, it is a strong electrolyte too.

Strong vs weak electrolyte conductivity

The greater the forcefulness of the electrolyte, the higher will be the conductivity. This is considering potent electrolyte solutions have more costless-charged species (ions).

What is the difference betwixt electrolyte and nonelectrolyte?

Electrolytes are substances that ionize in solutions and course ions whereas nonelectrolytes do not ionize when added into water or other solvents.


  • Foundations of Higher Chemistry, (Alternate Thirteenth edition) past Morris Hein (Mountain San Antonio College), Susan Loonshit (University of Illinois, Urbana, Champaign)
  • Introduction to Environmental Geotechnology past Hsai-Yang Fang (Lehigh University, Pennsylvania)
  • General Chemical science Principles and Structure| Tertiary edition, byJames East. Brandy (St. John's Academy, Jamaica, New York) andGerard E. Humiston (Widener Academy, West Chester, Pennsylvania) – [SI version, Prepared by Henry Heikkinen (University of Maryland, United states)]
  • Electrolytes (
  • Classifying Electrolytes (

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